TA98 Latin preferred term
TA98 English equivalent
TA98 footnote
Fascia As the term is used here, fascia consists of sheaths. sheets or other dissectible connective tissue aggregations. Most form from condensations of mesenchyme as organs or cavities grow within them (condensation fasciae); some are left behind as organs move (migration fasciae); others are formed as serosal surfaces fuse (fusion fasciae). The list appearing under fascia includes all categories for which the use of the term is recommended. It thus includes not only the sheaths of muscles but also the investments of viscera and dissectible structures related to them. Nevertheless, for convenience and reference, the complete list is entered under Muscles. Not all of the structures which have been regarded (by some) as fascia are included. The fifth (1983) edition of Nomina Anatomica introduced the terms, fascia superficialis and fascia profunda. These are not recommended for use as generic terms in an unqualified way. ln English, the view was that the connective tissue between the skin and muscle fascia was also a fascia and was called fascia superficialis, in contradistinction to the fascia of muscles, viscera and related structures that was called fascia profunda. However, the terms were anglocentric and have not been taken up in other languages. Thus, in the interests of international understanding, the recommended terms are now tela subcutanea - subcutaneous tissue, fascia musculorum and fascia visceralis. The problem was that fascia superficialis in English described the whole of the tela subcutanea, in Italian it excluded the panniculus adiposus, in French it excluded both the panniculus adiposus and the textus connectivus laxus beneath the stratum membranosum, whereas in German it described the superficial layer of the fascia musculorum and thus excluded the panniculus adiposus, the stratum membranosum and the textus connectivus laxus. Perhaps the most frequent use of the term fascia no longer recommended was for parts of the tela subcutanea of the anterior abdominal wall (Camper's fascia, now panniculus adiposus abdominis; Scarpa's fascia, now stratum membranosum abdominis), of the penis (Colles' fascia, now stratum membranosum penis) and of the perineum (Colles' fascia, now stratum membranosum perinei).